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Nov. 21, 2022

Episode 76: Mental Endurance: Your Tolerance for Boredom

Episode 76: Mental Endurance: Your Tolerance for Boredom

Do you ever feel bored when you’re out running? You know one run looks like the last run - it’s this feeling of deja vu of having been there before - which literally you probably were the day before or maybe the week before because as regular runners we run the same runs over and over again. So then the monotony of the routine sets in and you start thinking ahead of where you are - knowing ‘what’s still to come’ on your run - and boredom might set in. But maybe in a ‘sneaky’ way sort of like “I have a lot on my plate today - I should probably cut it short” kind of thought and then you act on it and cut your run short. Does this or other similar thoughts happen to you?  And are you sick of it? If this sounds familiar the upside is you’re now aware of it - and therefore can choose to change it. Check out episode 76: Mental Endurance: Your Tolerance for Boredom. We live in a world where we have entertainment at our fingertips 24/7 and multi-tasking (you know like listening to something educational/ entertaining while running) is so commonplace - but it robs us of our ability to focus, tune in, and find headspace to create a mind-body connection. Next time your brain tells you ‘I’m bored’ or ‘I should probably turn around’ on a run - be on to it. Recognize it for what it is - an excuse and remind yourself you can handle boredom. It’s just like the warm up miles it feels awkward but then you’re warmed up. And you realize you sailed through it. Each time we overcome our brain like this, we grow a little bit. And when we grow mentally, we unlock another level of confidence. Confidence that won’t fade but that will stay with us. Curious? Take a listen to episode 76.