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May 9, 2022

Episode 49: Accountability

Episode 49: Accountability

In this week’s episode I talk about our relationship with accountability. In the podcast episode I focus on the mindset component of accountability meaning what feelings come up for you around your thoughts on accountability? Ultimately those feelings will determine if you act in accordance with your desired goal. Head on over to the episode if you haven’t listened yet. In the meantime, here are 7 tangible ways to create accountability courtesy of The Run Experience:

  1. Build a routine: “Self improvement comes from keeping the promises you make to yourself”.
  2. Follow the routine: Follow through on your promise to yourself 
  3. Allow yourself to go on autopilot: 
  4. Find an accountability partner: Share your goal(s) with other people.
  5. Take breaks when you need them: this helps to avoid burnout. Remember the idea is not to feel you’re fighting with your body and mind. Instead, think of it as working with your body and mind.
  6. Don’t let one day define you: It’s easy to let the metrics of our watch define our run and thereby us. Don’t let a ‘bad’ run define you. 
  7. Remember why you started: Connect with your why (your runner’s purpose) in mind when you’re tempted to quit. 

I think these 7 ways are great action steps towards creating a routine. Notice when you still have a hard time following through with these- it’s a sign that you still have some unresolved mind drama.